Kilauea WebWorks - Request A Web Design Quote

Kilauea Webworks

Web Design, hosting and web marketing

Get a Quote!

Use the following form to get a quote for website design services. If you are inquiring about website marketing, management or hosting please use our contact form.

Contact Details
  • *
  • *
  • *
Scope of Project
  • *  Info
Functionality Info
Content Management System
Email Newsletter Management
E-Commerce/Shopping Cart
Photo Gallery
Flash Content
User Forum
Search Functionality
Event Calendar

Other Features/Functionality:
Extras Info Hosting
Domain Registration
Web Site Promotion
Search Engine Optimization
Maintenance/Regular Updates
Design/Style List some websites that you find compelling and specifically why you like them. List them as www.sitedotcom not This is meant to prevent spammers from using this form.
In your own words Tell us what your site is about and what you would like it to accomplish for you and your business.
Budget and Production Time
Final Considerations
  • How would you describe your level of experience and comfort with the internet?

    Check email via a client like Outlook or Outlook Express
    Use webmail
    I browse the internet regularly for news and entertainment
    I use the internet to retrieve information like maps, business numbers, airfares, etc.
    I shop and purchase online comfortably
    I make use of interactive services like mailing lists and forums
    I've maintained a website using a WYSIWG editor
    I've maintained a website using authoring software or notepad and ftp

Additional comments:

To submit this form, please enter the characters you see in the image below:
Image verification

* = Required fields

Web Site Design

So you need a website. One of the first things to ask yourself is "Why do I need this site?" Think about what you want to accomplish in your endeavor and how a website fits into that model. The first purpose of any commercial website is to increase your company's exposure and bring more clients to you. A website does this by providing information, entertainment or by providing products directly for sale. What does your site need to do for your audience?

Good design is an important part of your online presence. An attractive and easy to navigate design will keep your users attention and allow them to get the information they need. Know your audience and remember that you are not designing your commercial site for you, you are designing it for them.


Design & Development Process:

Building a website is a process and user input is very important during the early stages. If you are ready to have a website be prepared to participate in the review and content gathering. It is ideal if you have all of your text and photos ready to go at the outset of your project.

  1. Consultation
    A designer will consult with you to establish your goals and gather ideas on how best to present you on the web. A preliminary site map and contract will be created to outline the scope of the project.
  2. Design
    A design will be created based off of the information and content you provide. This is usually a mock-up of the front page of the site to show colors, navigation and design elements.
  3. Beta Site
    Once the design is approved we create the beta site. This is a fully functioning site which the client will then review.
  4. Finished Site
    If there are changes and corrections needed for the beta site, we make them and do the final testing of the site before it is launched (released to the public).
  5. Ongoing Maintenance
    Once you have a finished site you will need to update it every once and awhile - prices change, company news, contact information etc. Depending on the type of site you have you may need monthly updates or just the occasional change now and then. For sites that rely on fresh content we can provide a content management system to allow you to maintain your information, OR you can work with us to keep you up to date.